
G. Pétur er með tilvitnun á bloggsíðu sinni úr New Yorker:

„In B5, the empty and fashinonable bar, Hannes Gissurarson, the author of „How Can Iceland Become the Richest Country in the World?“ had said, „Ten or fifteen guys overreached themselves, they were out of control. But that is not the cause of the collapse“. The primary cause, in Gissurarson’s opinion, were the international credit crunch, the treachery of Gordon Brown-the „schoolyard bully“-and the failure of the European Central Bank to show Iceland support.

He also said, as if the thought were occurring to him for the first time, that it may be that „some of us are to blame indirectly, because we created a climate in which the entrepreneur was applauded. The businessman, the guy who takes over companies, asset-stripping-he was a hero in Icelandic folklore that was created by some of us who strongly supported the free market“. He went on, „Indirectly, I take some blame for it, but, if you think about it, it’s not my fault. It’s the fault of the left-wing intellectuals, who should have been giving a counter-view!“

Jahá. Einhvern veginn rámar mig í að þegar vinstrafólk hér mótmælti fyrir hrun, þá neeeeii, þetta vinstra fólk hafði nú ekkert vit á hagfræði! Nú mótmæltum við semsagt ekki nógu mikið og hátt.

Heldur einhver virkilega að liðið hefði hlustað? Ekki ég.

2 Responses to “heh!”

  1. 1 parisardaman 2009-03-3 kl. 10:13

    Kannski er þetta fólk haldið einhvers konar dauðaósk og lét sig dreyma um fallöxina? Þá hefði það getað borið virðingu fyrir vinstraliðinu og dáið með reisn sjálft? Ég veit það ekki, datt þetta bara allt í einu í hug…

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